Terms and Conditions

Delivery of goods and related costs

The products sold on www.artelinea.it (from hereinafter “Site”) are sold and invoiced by Artelinea S.p.A., located in Via dell’Industria, 1 Loc. Santa Barbara 52022 Cavriglia (AR), company registered under Florence Administrative Economic Repertoire No. FI-252447 of the Business Registry, Fiscal Code VAT no. 01931920480.

For any information pertaining to orders, deliveries and, generally speaking, purchases, it is possible to contact Artelinea's customer care on the following numbers:

E-mail:  info@artelinea.it
Telephone: +39 055 961961
Timetable: from Monday to Friday 9.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00 (CET)




  1. Acceptance of the general sales conditions and contract termination

1.1 The agreement stipulated by Artelinea S.p.A. (hereinafter "Artelinea") and the Client (in other words the subject, the natural person, who makes the purchase on the website, with no connection to his/her commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity) is to be intended as completed with full or partial acceptance of the order on behalf of Artelinea. In the event that the order is not accepted, Artelinea will immediately inform the Client.

1.2 By placing the order in one of the possible ways, according to the order form on the website (here below "the Order"), the Client declares to having read all the indications provided during the purchase procedure and to accepting in full the general conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Conditions").

1.3 These Conditions can be printed or saved on a durable medium, in agreement with what is set forth in art. 12 of Legislative Decree 70/2003 and art.51 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014

1.4 Artelinea will reimburse the Client in full for the amount paid, net of delivery costs incurred and any duties paid for import, within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of the notification of the termination, transferring the amount charged, according to the same method of payment used by the Client for the initial transaction, unless agreed otherwise. In any case, the Client will not be responsible for any expenses incurred in as a result of said reimbursement. Artelinea can keep the reimbursement until the returned product has been received.



  1. Purchasing methods

2.1 The products sold by Artelinea are solely those available on the Artelinea website at the time of the receipt of the order, as described in the related information sheets.

2.2 In any case, it remains understood that the images supporting the description of a product are merely for information purposes and cannot be perfectly representative of the product's features, but may differ, for example, in colour and size (also due to the browser or screen used to access the website and to see the images).

2.3 To place an Order, the Client must fill in each part of the form on the website and send the form after having carefully read the Conditions and the characteristics of the product and/or products he/she intends to purchase. The Client, if required, must also ask Artelinea for a tax invoice pertaining to the purchase, in accordance with art. 22 D.p.R. no.633/1972.

2.4 Correct receipt of the order is confirmed by Artelinea via email sent to the email address provided by the Client. Said message will summarise the purchase conditions as set by the applicable regulation and the data inserted in the Client's Order, so that the Client can assess them and, if necessary, immediately inform the send of the necessary corrections and incorrect data.

2.5 The Customer acknowledges that the products on sale through the website may occasionally become unavailable pending conclusion of the purchasing operations. In these circumstances, the Customer will be contacted and the price paid for the unavailable item will be fully refunded, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If the order is composed of several products, the available products will be shipped.



  1. Prices and Payment Method

3.1 The prices indicated on the website include tax and VAT. Any delivery or payment costs are notified to the Client in advance through the website or these Conditions.

3.2 The following methods of payment are accepted:

(i) Deposit

If a purchase is made through deposit, the bank details for the payment will be visualised. The delivery of the goods or, in the event of personalised products, the beginning of the processing will occur only upon actual receipt of the bank payment.  



  1. Delivery of goods and related costs

4.1 All products immediately available will be delivered to the address provided by the Client on the Order within 5 working days from the acceptance of the order on behalf of Artelinea, at the cost specifically indicated before the order is sent. Personalised products will be available normally between 4 and 12 weeks depending on the type of product. In any case, the terms of delivery of the personalised products will be indicated in the confirmation order.

Artelinea reserves the right to accept or decline deliveries made outside Italian and European borders. In any case, for purchases made outside of Italy, all delivery costs and times may be subject to variations.

4.2. With regard to deliveries requested from countries which are not part of the EU, any import customs expenses will be charged to the purchaser. We encourage the Client to contact the customs authorities of their own country to verify import costs and limits.

4.3 The delivery times indicated by Artelinea are to be considered purely indicative and any delays, in other words, any deliveries made in subsequent split deliveries, do not justify the Client's refusal to accept deliveries or justify requests for reimbursements or compensation.

4.4 At the time of the delivery of the products, the Client is required to check:

Any damage to packaging and/or the product, or if the number of products or indications does not correspond, this information must be indicated immediately on the product delivery document to be handed back to the courier. 

Any problems pertaining to the integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be indicated within 7 days of receipt of the delivery, according to the guidelines indicated in this document.



  1. Right to return a product

 5.1 In accordance with art. 52 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014, the Client can withdraw from the Conditions and, therefore, from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to give reasons and at no cost, within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the products.

5.2 To exercise the right to return a product indicated under article 5.1, the Client must send Artelinea a notification to this end, within the terms indicated, to the following address: returns@artelinea.it  and use the form on the website.

Registered users can access the "RETURNS" section of their user dashboard and manage their returns requests.

5.3 In the event of a return, the Client must send the products at his/her own expense, to Artelinea within 14 (fourteen) days of the agreement withdrawal: 
The delivery email is the following:

Ecommerce returns
c/o Artelinea S.p.A.
Via Degli Innocenti, 2
50063 Figline e Incisa Valdarno (FI)


The goods send back must be intact, complete in all their parts and placed in their original packaging (bags and packages), kept and, potentially used, only for the time strictly necessary to asses and verify their nature and features according to standard diligence, with no evidence of wear or dirt, in the respect of the conditions indicated here below:

IMPORTANT: It is not possible to request a change or reimbursement of a tailor-made or personalised product, unless the goods are defected or not in conformity with the order made (art. 5 paragraph 3 letter c of Legislative Decree no.185 dated 22/05/1999).

- Clients who purchase through partita IVA cannot exercise right of return.

5.4 Artelinea will reimburse Clients for the entire sum they have already paid, minus any additional delivery costs in accordance with art. 56, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 21/14), within 14 (fourteen) days from the receipt of the return notification, through a transfer procedure of the charged amount, using the same means of payment used by the Client for the initial transaction, unless agreed otherwise. In any case, the Client will not incur in any expenses for said reimbursement. Artelinea can suspend the reimbursement until the returned product has been received or until the Client can demonstrate to having correctly resent the product.

5.5 In any case, the Client will lose his/her right to return if Artelinea ascertains that:

In the event that the timeframe for the right to return products has expired, Artelinea will return the purchased product to the sender and issue delivery costs and, if already reimbursed, the price of the product.



  1. Warranty

6.1 All products sold by Artelinea are covered by a 24 (twenty-four) month warranty for non-conformity, in accordance with Title III of Legislative Decree 206/2005. To benefit from warranty assistance, the Client must keep the invoice, or the receipt of payment, together with a transport document.

6.2 The warranty for defects of conformity will apply provided that the product has been used correctly in the respect of its intended destination and according to what is set forth in the installation, use and maintenance instructions present in and/or with the product.

6.3 In the event that, for whatever reason, Artelinea is unable to provide the Client with a product under warranty (restored or substituted), or if repair or substitution are, even in relation to the value of the product, excessively expensive, Artelinea can reduce the price paid, or in other words, or return the entire amount paid by terminating the contract. 

6.4 If the application of the warranties foresees the return of the product, the product must be returned by the Client in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including the packaging and any documentation or accessory equipment).



  1. Claims or information requests

7.1 Any claim or request for information can be addressed to Artelinea at these addresses:



  1. Privacy

8.1 The personal data gathered by sending the Order will be treated by Artelinea solely to meet to the requirements expressed by the Client, in conformity with EU Regulation 2016/679 and the privacy notice on the website.  All further processing will be carried out only with the expressed consent of the Client.



  1. Applicable Law

9.1 The sales contract which abides to these conditions and its execution is regulated by Italian law, with the exemption of conflicting norms and the UN agreement for the International Sales of Goods. For the resolution of any controversies, the competent judge will be that of the residence or domicile of the Client.

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