Designer: Anita Brotto
Tristano & Isotta
"Between legend and myth, Tristano e Isotta (Tristan and Isolde) are for Artelinea a metaphor for passion for research, for history and its narration."
Anita Brotto, Designer
Artelinea narrates “The history of the enameled basin, family memory, and that of melted and worked glass, vocation of the company.”
Masters in precision, strength and patience: our artisans work with passion for creating products uniting tradition and innovation. Artelinea describes tradition into 2 different but complementary variations.
It all starts from glass worked and polished accurately for obtaining a smooth and bright surface. First quality materials and our artisan's expert hands create products of timeless beauty.
A combination of style, functionality and appearance describing a story of passion for the work and attention to detail.

This collection is available in two variants, expressions of the company’s know-how: research of tradition looking at the future.
Tristano with the Zaffiro basin supported by a black structure, like a cage, sturdy but light, and Isotta, with support in bronze gold finish and paired with a basin in the same finish.
Возможные цвета
Раковины, литых раковин и топы.

Раковины, литых раковин и топы.

Конструкция из оцинкованного металла, отделка золото, медь, теплый бронзовый и черный металл.

Термоформованная раковина из цветного глянцевого стекла.

Solid Surface


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